Carpentry - Barel Lid
Datum: 5/04/2013 23:43:37
Staženo: 469x
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- ,exec kraftibarellid
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Phoenix.WorldData; using Phoenix.Runtime; using Phoenix; namespace Phoenix.Script { public class barellid { public static void EnsureItem(UOItem item) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Name)) item.Click(); UO.Wait(800); } public static void EnsureContainer(UOItem container) { EnsureItem(container); container.Use(); UO.Wait(500); } [Executable] public static void kraftibarellid() { EnsureContainer(UO.Backpack); UOItem pilka = UO.Backpack.Items.FindType(0x1035 , 0x0000); if (pilka.Serial == Serial.Invalid) { pilka = World.Player.Layers.FindType(0x1035, 0x0000); if (pilka.Serial == Serial.Invalid) { UO.Print("Nemas pilku:"); return; } } UO.Print("Zvol konterjner s Prkny:"); UOItem container = new UOItem(UIManager.TargetObject()); EnsureContainer(container); UOItem logs = null; if ((logs = container.Items.FindType(0x1BD7, 0x0000)) == null) { UO.Print("Dosly Boards:"); return; } int count = logs.Amount; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { UOItem log = GetLog(container); if (log.Serial == Serial.Invalid) { UO.Print("Invalid:"); return; } UO.Print("sychr " + i); // UO.WaitTargetObject(log); UO.WaitMenu( "Carpentry", "Containers & Cont. parts", "Containers & Cont. parts", "Barrel Lid" ); UO.UseObject(pilka); JournalEventWaiter jew = new JournalEventWaiter(true, "You put"); jew.Wait(5000); UOItem craftedItem = UO.Backpack.Items.FindType(0x1DB8, 0x0000); if (craftedItem.Serial != Serial.Invalid) { UO.Backpack.Items.FindType(0x1DB8, 0x0000).Move(3, container); UO.Wait(500); } } } public static UOItem GetLog(UOItem container) { UOItem log = null; if ((log = UO.Backpack.Items.FindType(0x1BD7, 0x0000)).Serial != Serial.Invalid) return log; container.Items.FindType(0x1BD7, 0x0000).Move(2, UO.Backpack); UO.Wait(500); UO.Print("1"); return UO.Backpack.Items.FindType(0x1BD7, 0x0000); } } }
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