Otraveni zbrani v.0.1
Datum: 22/11/2014 23:26:52
Staženo: 327x
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- ,exec otrav_zbran
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Phoenix; using Phoenix.WorldData; using System.Linq; using Phoenix.Communication; using Phoenix.Runtime; using Phoenix.Runtime.Reflection; namespace Scripts.DarkParadise { public class ultima_sasdasd { [Executable] public void otrav_zbran() { UO.PrintInformation("Holka ! poradne to delej ...."); UO.Wait(300); UO.PrintInformation("Target zbran v ex. pytliku"); UOItem weap = new UOItem(UIManager.TargetObject()); UO.Wait(500); UO.PrintInformation("Target pytlik do ktereho bude."); UOItem bags = new UOItem(UIManager.TargetObject()); Serial wbag = weap.Container; UO.Wait(500); if(!weap.Exist) { UO.Print(0x0862,"Nejaka chyba nastala :) Targetzbrane selhal noo"); return; ; } if (!bags.Exist) { UO.Print(0x0862, "Netargetnul jsi bag , dam to do source bag."); bags = new UOItem(weap.Container); } while(!World.Player.Dead ) { if(UO.Count(weap.Graphic,weap.Color) == 0) { UOItem ber = new UOItem(weap.AllItems.FindType(weap.Graphic,weap.Color)); if (ber.Exist) { UO.MoveItem(ber.Serial,1,World.Player.Backpack); UO.Wait(100); } else { UO.Print(0x0862, "V targetu 1 nebyli nalezene zadne zbrane. ->Konec<-"); return; } } if (UO.Count(weap.Graphic, weap.Color) > 0) { foreach (UOItem items in from c in World.Player.Backpack.AllItems where c.Graphic == weap.Graphic && c.Color == weap.Color select c) { UO.WaitTargetObject(items.Serial); UO.UseType(0x185B, 0x0B8B); UO.Wait(200); } } if (UO.Count(weap.Graphic, weap.Color) > 0) { UOItem berf = new UOItem(World.Player.Backpack.AllItems.FindType(weap.Graphic, weap.Color)); UO.MoveItem(berf.Serial,1,weap.Container); } } } } }
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